
Do You Need a Gym Nanny to Make You Exercise?

Photo: shapecharge/Getty Images

Dragging your grown being out of bed each morning, sustaining yourself with calories, covering yourself with clothes, and moving your corporeal figure, all so that you’re no longer as hungry and nude and weak as you were the second you were born: This is difficult stuff.

But toil no longer, delicate grown-person. Now, in exchange for legal tender (U.S. dollars), you can hire a gym babysitter, described as a trainer by a fitness concierge service called SIN (Strength in Numbers). Started by Vanessa Martin, SIN offers services in New York and Miami. For $350 to start, they book workouts at the most desirable sweat-hubs. For extra cash, their employees will wake you up for classes and wait while you dress ($100), put you into a car ($25, plus the cost of the ride), and work out alongside you ($100). Martin says this is perfect for modeling agencies, high-profile clients who don’t want to give away personal information as they book appointments, or people who find excuses not to do things they don’t want to do (the rest of the world).

And because you did such a good job, really stellar stuff, you get a special treat at the end! For $25 extra, you can choose whatever juice you’d like. Any flavor. Sippy-cups and pretty gold-star stickers aren’t on the menu yet, but hugs are free.